Andrew's Books
inspiring people and organisations to unlock their potential
MOnsters of team performance
The fast way to elevate your team’s motivation, culture, teamwork, innovation, and wellbeing
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About The Book
Many leaders think that only huge companies can have a high-performance business team. This fast book shares a method that smaller companies can leverage to defeat performance monsters and develop a winning team.
Your company’s ability to thrive for decades to come depends on your ability to build a winning team.
Start now by reading this book.
What Others Are Saying
“I got sucked in the moment I started reading. This book is fun. It's fast. It's full of unique illustrations and graphics that keep you engaged. Andrew's writing style in this book is obviously intended to stand out and be different. It doesn't read like a dry or formal research-heavy book. Many books in the personal/team development space today will put you to sleep because they move slow and go into irrelevant histories or lengthy stories. This one is different. It is light-hearted and yet it will make you think about the way you serve, lead, and perform with those around you. The monster illustrations are also a great idea. Not only are they relatable, but they can also be used as great examples or teaching tools for nearly any group - from teenagers to seasoned business professionals.”
“Turning a whole bunch of talented individuals into a team that is all working towards the same goal is a much harder task than it first sounds like. Even in the most technical of jobs/industries, managing your team is going to be your biggest challenge. Andrew Bull's book is a fantastic reference to have on hand when you're wondering why things in your business or department aren't going the way you think they should. He helps you spot trouble, diagnoses root causes, and prescribes actions you can take to make things better. If you put some of these ideas into practice, your team will thank you. No one wants to work on a dysfunctional team. The author delivers all this with easy to understand language and amusing drawings. I highly recommend this book if you manage even just a few people.”
“This is a brilliant resource for leaders looking to understand their culture (and micro cultures), make improvements and increase employee performance. Its written in a way that is engaging, simple to understand and enables practical application. A must read for leaders looking to break out from the hamster wheel and move forward into the future.”
“I've always struggled with managing a team and never considered myself a manager or even a team player before, but going through Andrew's book has helped me see exactly how to get the best out of them. Largely by getting out of their way! Great illustrations and models to share with the team, 100% would recommend even if you're only working with one other person.”