Dear Leader,
Just a quick question for you.
How do you constantly challenge yourself, elevate your mindset, and improve at collaboration?
Lane swimming.
I know, I know, who cares about swimming. 🤷
Well, I’m convinced you should… here’s why:
Boosts collaboration skills
When I’m lane swimming, I have to share lanes with people who are slower and faster than me. To be a good pool-mate, I have to focus on my task (of getting good exercise) while being mindful of others and their workouts.
When the lanes are crowded, this can be challenging*. However, the patience and empathy I’ve developed through lane swimming have transferred to other areas of my business and life.
*Remember: challenge leads to growth.
A high-performance environment raises your standards
When I’m surrounded by other high performers (fast swimmers), it encourages me to swim faster and longer.
Now, sometimes people are much faster than me. Yet, I don’t let that influence my mindset negatively.
Because I don’t see people as my competitors. I see them as inspiring rivals.
Fostering awareness, confidence, and improvements in your performance
At my pool, there are slow, medium, and fast lanes. The lane I choose to swim in is as much about my mindset and my perception of myself as it is about my fitness.
So I consciously step out of my comfort zone and choose the fast lane. Why? Because the more I’m okay with being uncomfortable in the fast lane, the more I’ll push my boundaries in my business, and the better my results will be in every area of my life.
So if you need a quick boost to your mindset, fitness, and collaboration skills…
Head to the pool.
All the best,